I’m excited to announce that so far, Potion: Dark Matter has been officially selected to be screened in 20 film festivals all over the world! I could not be more pleased with this response to my first animated film. I thought is was a good time to create a proper film poster to share so here it is. You can follow the information the film, the accolades and screenings at potionmusic.com/news and on the dedicated film page at potionmusic.com/video-dark-matter or follow updates on social media on facebook, where I will be updating information about events, ticket sales, and programs it will be featured in. Hope to see you at the cinema!
Potion: Dark Matter Heading to the Festivals
Film, Graphic Design, Music, VideoPotion: Dark Matter—my new 5 minute sci-fi 2D animation/music video about a Space Travel Agency promoting its package tours for the next holiday season—is heading for the festivals! I’m thrilled to announce my film is an Official Selection and so it’s world premiere will be at Athens Animfest 2019! And in addition to that, it was also and official selection for the Philip K Dick Film Festival and will be screened at their opening program in Santa Ana, CA. Above you can see the film teaser.
Presenting Walter Earl
Film, Sound Design, VideoThis is a biopic of Walter Earl, a San Francisco jazz musician, producer, composer & sound designer which I filmed, edited and co-produced with Michel Bedoya. It was shot at San Francisco City College for a class project.
A Dream Realized
Film, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, VideoToday a video which I edited and co-produced with Augustine Curtis (music by Michel Bedoya & Camera by Earl Balisi) for CCSF will be shown in their Festival of the Moving Image at the Roxie Cinema in San Francisco. It’s a short piece about the founder of San Francisco City College, Archibald Cloud, realized his dream of creating San Francisco’s own junior college thanks to funding from the New Deal.
San Francisco Green Film Festival 2014 Visual Campaign
Film, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Video
This was a web advertisement was designed to promote the 2014 SF Green Film Festival on the SF Weekly website.
This spring we had the great pleasure to re-brand the San Francisco Green Film Festival. The design challenge was to create a “bold” and “fearless” graphic campaign to appeal to a new, younger audience that might not already be engaged or interested in environmental films or activism. The black & white image of the 3 people in masks overlaid with 2 vibrate green and blue colors with roughened edges was a shout-out to late 1970’s punk music posters.
San Francisco Green Film Festival 2014 Trailer
Film, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, VideoThis film piece was designed and edited to promote the 4th Annual San Francisco Green Film Festival running May 29 through June 4th 2014 at the Roxie Theater in San Francisco. The goal was to explain to the audience what the festival was comprised of as well as tie in the graphic promotional themes we had developed for the collateral materials. The music is an original composition by Michel Bedoya.