I’m excited to announce that so far, Potion: Dark Matter has been officially selected to be screened in 20 film festivals all over the world! I could not be more pleased with this response to my first animated film. I thought is was a good time to create a proper film poster to share so here it is. You can follow the information the film, the accolades and screenings at potionmusic.com/news and on the dedicated film page at potionmusic.com/video-dark-matter or follow updates on social media on facebook, where I will be updating information about events, ticket sales, and programs it will be featured in. Hope to see you at the cinema!
Author: GringoStarr
Potion: Dark Matter Heading to the Festivals
Film, Graphic Design, Music, VideoPotion: Dark Matter—my new 5 minute sci-fi 2D animation/music video about a Space Travel Agency promoting its package tours for the next holiday season—is heading for the festivals! I’m thrilled to announce my film is an Official Selection and so it’s world premiere will be at Athens Animfest 2019! And in addition to that, it was also and official selection for the Philip K Dick Film Festival and will be screened at their opening program in Santa Ana, CA. Above you can see the film teaser.
Orchestre Symphonique de Québec: Animated Videos
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Promotional, VideoSummertime is the time to prepare for fall promotions and that is what I did for the Orchestre Symphonique de Quebéc who were preparing their social media promotion for the 2018/19 seasons concerts. I created two short animated videos; one to promote their classical concerts and one to promote their pop concerts. Read more about it here.
World Veg Festival Website
Graphic Design, Web DesignThe San Francisco Vegetarian society engaged me for their World Veg Festival design campaign to help promote plant-based living in San Francisco. This summer, the main focus was creating a new online presence with a complete website redesign that would look great and function well on both desktop and mobile. The new World Veg Festival website exceeded the goals and expectations leading to higher online ticket sales and serving as an earth-friendly tool to learn about their presenters and speakers.
Rescue Your Recycling: Animated Video
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Sound Design, VideoThis video is a co-production with Green America. Along with an infographic for the fall issue of the Green American, we were contracted to produce this animated video clarifying the ins and outs of streamlined recycling. I thought we were pretty good about recycling until I read this issue and discovered all the ways we might be spoiling recycling with our habits. Our new “Rescue Your Recycling” video is designed to fix that with a run down of best practices for improving the results of streamlined recycling.
Springtime Web Design
Graphic Design, Photography, Web DesignSpringtime is a good time for new website design–and so is summertime–so I was super happy to design this new site for Arbe Garbe Wines as they prepared to release their new vintage. Not only did I get to design the site, but I got to do their bottle shots and other photography in beautiful wine country to set the scene for their new website. See and learn more about this website design. Cheers!
Climate Justice for All
Motion Graphics, Sound Design, VideoOur latest video piece was commissioned by Green America to shine a light on the topic of inequality for Climate Justice in communities of color in the US and internationally. This video was designed to share information on how these communities are also leading the fight for equitable protection and action in the face of the climate crisis. You can read more about it and how you can help in the latest issue of Green American Magazine.
And now en Español…
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Sound Design, VideoOur animated infographic project “Feeding the World Without GMOs” continues as we have just completed the Spanish language version. Central and South American communities are very heavily impacted by industrial agriculture and the detrimental effects of GMO cultivation. Our hope is that our video will help inform Spanish-speaking populations about this issue. We are thrilled to announce that the Spanish version, “Alimentar El Mundo Sin Transgénicos” is now available online for sharing–enjoy!
2016 Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Promo Video
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Sound Design, VideoWe recently had the great opportunity to cut and re-fashion the new promo video for the 2016 Biomimicry Global Design Challenge. It was a pleasure to work with the beautiful Louie Schwartzberg footage and combine the magic of motion graphics to create a promo video to inspire many new participants for the 2016 Challenge. We can’t wait to see what they present!
Biomimicry Institute Design Challenge at SXSW Eco 2015!
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Sound Design, VideoI am thrilled to bits to have designed the presentation videos for the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Finalists at the SxSW Eco Festival in Austin, TX. There were eight videos in total, each around 2 minutes long, breaking down the essentials of each team submission. I designed an animated intro to illustrate the different parts of a food system and then cut the footage to illustrate the challenge, the biomimetic inspiration, and the design solution put forward by the team. It was a fast and exciting ride to create it all within only a few weeks. Michel, my partner in crime and sound design, made magic with the sound and it all came together in the nick of time. We were like elves in the studio animating, cutting, and recording and the results were just like Christmas morning–check ’em out!
World Veg Festival 2015
Graphic DesignThe 2015 World Veg Festival was held this year on October 3rd & 4th at the San Francisco County Fair Building. I was privileged to be hired to design not only their key art, but also the posters, postcards, ads, festival guide and t-shirts–so it was just the sort of contract I LOVE–complete campaign design! The art was inspired by 19th century seed catalogs mixed with an autumn vegetable color palette. The festival was a blast, lots of tasty treats, demos, and speakers–good times all around.
San Francisco Vegetarian Society: Re-Branded
Graphic Design, Identity
San Francisco Vegetarian Society Logo
The San Francisco Vegetarian Society is a non-profit organization that has been working in the Bay Area since 1968 promoting a vegetarian diet as a healthful and humane way of life. This January, the long-time president, Dixie Mahy handed over the reigns of the Society to a new president, Greg Rorhbach and it was a good time to re-brand. I was honored to be asked to handle this project as I am a big supporter of the organization and their yearly World Veg Festival in Golden Gate Park.
The concept behind the new logo design was to pull inspiration from Art Nouveau hand-lettered designs found on seed catalogs and advertisements from the late 1800s/early 1900s with a modern flat design edge. The result is the modern-retro design that gives a nod to the past and a wink to the future. The new logo design will be incorporated into future SFVS materials–look out for their World Veg Festival this fall!
Art Men: Animated Stills Project
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, VideoSan Francisco based sculpture artist Paul Baker asked me to produce a short video using photography from the development and production of “Art Men” a 2-month sculpture show and opening event. He wanted not only to capture the spirit of the opening night party, but also the planning and work that went into it. Ultimately the video piece would be used to create a memorable, stand-alone piece his web site, to feature his work and process to galleries, curators, etc. He wanted something short–around 2 minutes or so, and I love cutting to music and working with stills in After Effects so this was quite a treat to develop!
Parlez-vous Français?
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, VideoOur goal with the “Feeding the World Without GMOs” video was to increase the global reach of the information by re-editing in multiple languages. We are thrilled to announce that the French version of the video is now available online for sharing–enjoy!
Feeding the World Without GMOs
Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Music, VideoThis animated infographic dispels to popular myth that Genetically Engineered crops are necessary to feed the rapidly growing world population. Research has proven that we have all the necessary technology to double food access in a way that is safe and better for the environment and all of our health. I hope it helps to educate people about GMOs so they can make better decisions about food safety and labeling laws when they have a chance to vote on these issues. The music is an original composition by Michel Bedoya.